Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Perfect Day - Community Building

Today was indoor field day at our elementary school. To be honest, I'm ready for Spring Break... and was a little nervous some of my students would have a hard time handling the lack of structure.

How wrong I was. Today was perfect and reminded me exactly why I love being a teacher. Thanks to our amazing gym teacher, the stations were structured and organized to a tee.

That wasn't what made it a perfect day though. What made it a perfect day, was my students. Through all of the stations they cheered each other on, encouraged each other's successes and built each other back up when they failed. They highfived and side hugged and smiled from ear to ear.

These are the school experiences that kids remember.

As I led my class from the obstacle course to the mindfulness station, I was followed by cheerful chatter and whispers of "what do you think we're going to do next?" When we sat down to meditate it was a race to see who could sit the closest to me, and as the guided meditation started, I felt a little head lean in to my shoulder. In that moment I couldn't imagine a more rewarding job. Those 23 humans all wanted to be right next to me, and I felt like the luckiest teacher on the planet.

Some days I show up to work a little tired, distracted, stressed or burnt out. I'm not perfect in any way, but somehow my students look past that and see only the best in me. Every day, I vow to look for the best in each and every one of them... just like they do for me.

Today was a good day. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

There Are No Words

Okay guys. What a week.

Several strange things have happened in 2nd Grade this week, but i'm going to keep this short.

It's like the Springpocalypse in Wisconsin. Everything is melting and apparently it's been too much for the roof of my school. When I arrived on Wednesday morning, it was to a giant puddle of a classroom. So... after a bit of drama and running around the school, my students and I have been gypsying around from classroom to classroom, pretending like we are on an adventure. Correction: my students actually feel like they are on an adventure. I am pretending.

So, naturally i'm like kind of stressed out. Thank goodness there was a staff lunch this week. I'm REALLY trying to eat healthy (because, wedding) so I enjoyed my deli chicken lettuce wrap and grabbed a few homemade cookies to bring home for Derick.  I put these cookies on a paper plate on my desk and waited for my students to come back from lunch, so we could go spend our afternoon in the library. About ten minutes after getting to the library, I realized I forgot my read aloud book, so I ran back to the classroom to get it. Harry Potter was sitting right there on my desk waiting for me... along with my HALF EATEN chocolate chip cookie.

This is not a drill. Someone had taken a giant bite out of my cookie and put it back on the plate.  These are the things you cannot make up.

So far... the cookie eating bandit remains at large.

Adulting Is Hard

I was brushing my teeth tonight... and I suddenly realized, I can't adult.

I mean I've said that jokingly a million times, but seriously I was thinking about it and I came to the conclusion that I can only do up to two adult things at any given time.

Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet.

When I am not eating very healthy I seem to be really motivated to do my hair and makeup and focus on skincare. Like I have so many fantastic face masks and eyeshadow palettes that I bought when I was eating like garbage.

As soon as I start focusing on nutrition and working out regularly... I lose all motivation to do other things appearance wise. Like, makeup? Nah. Scrunchies are life. Throw me a hoodie.

Now that we moved into the new house and I've got a million adult things on my plate like painting, decorating, cleaning, organizing... I simply have no time for anything else. Today, halfway through work I realized I had paint in my hair from touching up the bathroom ceiling last night.

When i'm being an amazing friend and fiance, i'm definitely less of a rockstar at work... and when i'm killing it as a 2nd Grade teacher, sometimes i'm too tired to have a social life.

The only time I feel like I can do all of the things is in the Summer. Which i'm realizing is because I don't have to go to work. At all. If only money grew on trees.

I wonder how someone becomes well rounded. How do I manage to be moderately good at all of the aforementioned things AT ONE TIME?

Maybe I should ask my grandma. Noni always knows best.

How do you do it? Or are you just good at pretending you do?

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Just Enjoy It... Wisdom From Noni

I'm just sitting here, watching the finale of "The Bachelor" in my new house, with a glass of wine.

There are a million and one projects I should be doing right now, but instead i'm just choosing to enjoy this moment.

Exactly two weeks ago, I called my maternal grandma "Noni" on my way HOME from signing the papers that made me a first time homeowner. She and my "Papa" were the first ones I wanted to call, because i'm telling you, there is NO ONE more fun to share news with.

They of course congratulated Derick and I, and told us how proud they were. Then,  Noni reminded me "You've got your whole life to fix that house up. Don't forget to take a minute to enjoy it." I laughed. Of course I would take the time to enjoy it. I mean i'm not THAT ambitious. Until now apparently, because I haven't sat down before 11PM for the past two weeks. "You're going to be up until midnight, trying to finish a project and I just want you to remember that I told you this. It's not a race, so don't forget to slow down and live there."

I have thought of that simple advice SO many times over the past few weeks. Whenever I get sucked into the blackhole of a project, I remind myself that I don't have to do it all today.

I just want the house to be perfect and "Instagram ready.".. but the truth is, the front room is painted what we have nicknamed "puke pink" and has maroon carpet, the guest bathroom pedestal sink isn't connected to the floor, one kitchen wall is painted black, our master bathroom's shower head is about the height of Derick's chin, the stove almost started the house on fire the first time I tried to make a frozen pizza, closet doors are falling off their tracks left and right... and today when I removed the painters tape from the bathrooms upstairs, I realized i'll never be a professional and that we should have sprung for brand name.

That's okay though. We have accomplished a heck of a lot in the past two weeks. We are having our new, functional kitchen appliances delivered on Friday. My mom's expertise and Painted Fox decor has managed to make even the most fundamentally ugly rooms stylish... and even though I did it badly, I have painted four rooms, a hallway and a stairwell all in the past four days. For now, I will follow Noni's advice and enjoy this season rather than wishing it away for something better.

Historically, Noni gives the best advice... so I always listen.

My other favorite piece of her wisdom is about relationships "Don't do anything you don't want to do for the rest of your life..." So, I haven't shoveled or taken the garbage out yet.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Making This House a Home

Well guys... i'm a homeowner.

Actually, i've been a homeowner for like two weeks. This is just the first time I've sat down since then. Haha. But seriously.

We finally moved into our perfectly imperfect, first and (hopefully) forever home. Let me tell you something. If you haven't moved in awhile, you have NO idea how much stuff you have. Like seriously. HOW did this all fit into our apartment?

Thanks to extremely helpful parents, we moved everything in one weekend and somehow managed to start at least three major home improvement projects and finish none.

I'm currently sitting in what used to be the formal dining room, now my reading room. It's my favorite room in the house. Ever since we looked at the house I couldn't say enough how much I HATED this room. It has maroon carpet from the nineties and a ceiling fan with blades that are so tired they just kind of droop down towards the ground... kind of like they are frowning. It's really not aesthetically pleasing at all and is certainly not going to win any home decor awards.

But NOW... it's full of all of my very favorite things. When you walk into the "red room" you will see my bookshelf bursting with various nicknacks, young adult novels, self help books, love stories and mysteries, my antique desk from my Noni, a rustic bench Derick made for our apartment entry, a vintage upholstered chair that was a gift from my parents in high school, my salt rock lamp and a gallery wall consisting of my favorite quotes and catch phrases. It's so cozy that I can't get enough.

Below are the before and after pictures... and I have to say, the change is dramatic. Eventually we would love to extend the hardwood floors into this room, and it definitely needs a fresh coat of paint and a new light fixture... but for now it's quirky and perfectly homey.

Any paint colors you would suggest to compliment or tone down the red?



Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Pre-Wedding Bridal Outfits

I'm getting married in June and have been on the hunt for classy, unique and flattering dresses for my bachelorette weekend, bridal shower and rehearsal dinner.

I have done A LOT of looking, so I figured I could save some future brides the hassle... and just post what I have found so far right here.

For bridal showers, I like classy, ore modest vibe. I just think about all of the grandmas and great aunts... and think it's a perfect opportunity to wear a knee or tea length dress... or even a dress with really cute sleeves. These three are classic with a trendy twist. I love the crochet, lace and eyelet details too!

For the rehearsal and following dinner... I REALLY love a maxi. I think it gives the feel of a true "dress rehearsal" since you'll be wearing a long dress to walk down the aisle. And also... there aren't many other opportunities in life to rock a floor length white dress. So, do it while you can. These pics from Lulus and Vici are giving me all of the Summer Wedding feelings.

We have decided to skip traditional bachelor and bachelorette parties and instead are spending a weekend with our wedding party in a cabin in Door County, Wisconsin. If you haven't gone... you should. Because of this, i'm looking for a more casual, summery dress that I can wear for a wine tour. For a more traditional bachelorette party, these could still be really cute and effortless. It totally depends on the vibe you are going for! 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

City Tins: Discover New Eats On A Budget

If you're from Wisconsin or the Twin Cities, you're gonna want to read this. City Tins is the most fun, underrated gift idea of all time. Gift it to yourself... you won't be disappointed. City Tins puts a new twist on a "coupon book". 

Its an adorable round tin,  filled with 20 coaster gift cards for $10 off a meal at trendy, fun local restaurants. The tin will run you $30... and it's a steal. You will break even after visiting only 3 of the 20 eateries featured in your tin. You really can't go wrong. 
Even more fun... if you can't decide where to go for dinner, it includes a super cute and VERY useful "Dinner Spinner" that will choose your restaurant for you! All of the venues who partner with City Tins are locally owned, so you can feel good about your choice. 

Derick and I have tried so many new places to eat... thanks to this cute little tin. Instead of staying stuck in a rut, we actively try to use all of our coasters during the year. Some of our current favorite places to eat, were discovered thanks to our City Tin adventures. We have used two coasters out of this year's Fox Valley City Tin... and we have loved both experiences. 

There are City Tins For:

A Perfect Day - Community Building

Today was indoor field day at our elementary school. To be honest, I'm ready for Spring Break... and was a little nervous some of my stu...