Thursday, March 14, 2019

Adulting Is Hard

I was brushing my teeth tonight... and I suddenly realized, I can't adult.

I mean I've said that jokingly a million times, but seriously I was thinking about it and I came to the conclusion that I can only do up to two adult things at any given time.

Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet.

When I am not eating very healthy I seem to be really motivated to do my hair and makeup and focus on skincare. Like I have so many fantastic face masks and eyeshadow palettes that I bought when I was eating like garbage.

As soon as I start focusing on nutrition and working out regularly... I lose all motivation to do other things appearance wise. Like, makeup? Nah. Scrunchies are life. Throw me a hoodie.

Now that we moved into the new house and I've got a million adult things on my plate like painting, decorating, cleaning, organizing... I simply have no time for anything else. Today, halfway through work I realized I had paint in my hair from touching up the bathroom ceiling last night.

When i'm being an amazing friend and fiance, i'm definitely less of a rockstar at work... and when i'm killing it as a 2nd Grade teacher, sometimes i'm too tired to have a social life.

The only time I feel like I can do all of the things is in the Summer. Which i'm realizing is because I don't have to go to work. At all. If only money grew on trees.

I wonder how someone becomes well rounded. How do I manage to be moderately good at all of the aforementioned things AT ONE TIME?

Maybe I should ask my grandma. Noni always knows best.

How do you do it? Or are you just good at pretending you do?

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